With Loss Comes……….

Kory Wagner
1 min readJul 19, 2021

Yesterday was a sad day, I had to take part in relieving my dog's pain by helping her pass over the rainbow bridge. She was 16 years and lived a long, happy, and full life.

I must say I am stunned by the reaction I am having, every piece of my body hurts. Anxiety and depression are fighting really hard to take over. It is showing me that no matter how much progress I have made with my self I am still very fragile.

This is dog had been by my side for so long, gone through so much with me, filled me with so much joy and love, and also left a large hole in me that I am slowly filling with great memories.

It has also stirred up more emotions than I would have liked, but alas there they are.

I am being brutally honest with myself with these emotions and going to use this time to discover more about myself, I great gift left to me by my pup. She knew me so well that I think she knew it was time for me as well.

It is going to be hard to move on without her about I will make her proud and do the things that I told her in secret about how great I will make my life and that she will always be right there with me.




Kory Wagner

Day Slayer, Anxiety Fighter, and Depression Destroyer